Utmaning dag 38: Something you hate
Tänk vad dagarna rullar på. När jag antog utmaningen tänkte jag att det var något som skulle sträcka sig långt, långt fram i tiden (dvs dryft tre månader) och nu har jag redan passerat första månaden med råge. Dag 38. Något jag hatar.
Jag är inte någon särskilt hatisk person, utan jag brukar kunna hitta förmildrande orsaker och olika förklaringar till dåligt beteende och olämpliga handlingar. De allra värsta handlingarna, som begås av terrorister, våldsmän och krigsherrar av olika slag ligger på en sådan nivå att jag inte kan påstå att jag slösar energi på att hata dem. Deras handlingar och ondska ligger utanför min hjärnas fattningsförmåga. Jag förstår helt enkelt inte hur människor kan vara så onda. De är därför inte ens värda att nämnas här. De får så mycket uppmärksamhet med sin makt, sin ondska och sin hänsynslöshet så jag unnar dem inte att få utrymme här.
Jag tänker vara betydligt ytligare och ska nämna några vardagliga saker som kan få pulsen att stiga.
-Jag hatar till exempel att mina snoddar till hörlurarna trasslar ihop sig så ofattbart så fort jag bara vänder bort blicken ett ögonblick.
-Jag hatar när det är klumpar i sista mjölken.
-Jag hatar när jag ska gå på fest och ska klä mig snyggt och det går en maska på sista strumpan.
-Jag hatar när jag upptäcker att människor jag har litat blint på står och ljuger mig rakt upp i ansiktet.
-Jag hatar att trampa i hundskit.
-Jag hatar att se människor medvetet skräpa ner och förstöra saker
-Jag hatar långa naglar. Ryser av obehag, men försöker artigt dölja det när goda vänner stolt visar upp sina stajlade långa naglar.
-Men viktigast av allt.....jag hatar KESO!!!
Du ska under 100 dagar skapa ett inlägg per dag med följande rubriker:
Day 1 Upload a picture of yourself & 7 facts most people don't know about you.
Day 2 Your best friend.
Day 3 Someone that inspires you.
Day 4 Your favorite food.
Day 5 Your best photo face.
Day 6 Your idol.
Day 7 Fave singer, musician, band, etc.
Day 8 Celebrity crush.
Day 9 Your favorite drink.
Day 10 Your favorite movie
Day 2 Your best friend.
Day 3 Someone that inspires you.
Day 4 Your favorite food.
Day 5 Your best photo face.
Day 6 Your idol.
Day 7 Fave singer, musician, band, etc.
Day 8 Celebrity crush.
Day 9 Your favorite drink.
Day 10 Your favorite movie
Day 11 Dream job.
Day 12 Fave actor/actress.
Day 13 Favorite T.V show. (picture of a scene or the cast)
Day 14 Someone you miss.
Day 15 Favorite color.
Day 16 Pet/Fave animal.
Day 17 Fave sport or sport team.
Day 18 Fave Holiday.
Day 19 A picture of what you did today.
Day 20 Someone that makes you smile.
Day 21 Fave talk show host.
Day 22 Fave clothing store/brand.
Day 23 Something that frightens you.
Day 24 Fave restaurant
Day 12 Fave actor/actress.
Day 13 Favorite T.V show. (picture of a scene or the cast)
Day 14 Someone you miss.
Day 15 Favorite color.
Day 16 Pet/Fave animal.
Day 17 Fave sport or sport team.
Day 18 Fave Holiday.
Day 19 A picture of what you did today.
Day 20 Someone that makes you smile.
Day 21 Fave talk show host.
Day 22 Fave clothing store/brand.
Day 23 Something that frightens you.
Day 24 Fave restaurant
Day 25 Fave Jersey Shore cast member. (Or fave reality TV show celeb)
Day 26 A picture of you & your closest family member.
Day 27 Something you can't leave home without.
Day 28 Celeb look-a-like. (Or if you don't have one then do a celeb you wish you could look like.)
Day 29 Your zodiac sign.
Day 30 Fave tattoo/tattoo you want.
Day 31 Your first true love. ♥
Day 32 Something/someone that means everything to you.
Day 33 Your car/dream car.
Day 34 Somewhere you would like to travel to.
Day 35 Family vacation memory.
Day 36 Something you would like to achieve/do before you die.
Day 37 A picture of your parents/grandparents.
Day 38 Something you hate.
Day 39 Something you love.
Day 40 A fave hobby.
Day 41 Your best feature.
Day 42 Your worst feature.
Day 43 Fave candy.
Day 44 Fave cartoon.
Day 45 A picture of you on Facebook.
Day 46 Your dream home
Day 47 Fave childhood toy.
Day 48 Fave superhero.
Day 49 Fave fast food restaurant.
Day 50 Fave social website logo. (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.)
Day 51 Your New Years (2011)
Day 52 - A picture of yourself celebrating for getting this far
Day 53 - The last thing you bought
Day 54 - A picture of yourself from middle school
Day 55 - What your wearing today
Day 56 - A drawing of your favorite cartoon character
Day 57 - Everything inside your purse/backpack/wallet
Day 58 - Your favorite animal
Day 59 - Your most used electronic device
Day 60 - Last movie you watched
Day 61 - School class picture
Day 62 - Last place you traveled to
Day 63 - Sports awards
Day 64 - Favorite childhood book
Day 65 - A picture of you and your best riend
Day 66 - A picture in your room
Day 67 - Something Green
Day 68 - A magazine you like
Day 69 - Something Red
Day 26 A picture of you & your closest family member.
Day 27 Something you can't leave home without.
Day 28 Celeb look-a-like. (Or if you don't have one then do a celeb you wish you could look like.)
Day 29 Your zodiac sign.
Day 30 Fave tattoo/tattoo you want.
Day 31 Your first true love. ♥
Day 32 Something/someone that means everything to you.
Day 33 Your car/dream car.
Day 34 Somewhere you would like to travel to.
Day 35 Family vacation memory.
Day 36 Something you would like to achieve/do before you die.
Day 37 A picture of your parents/grandparents.
Day 38 Something you hate.
Day 39 Something you love.
Day 40 A fave hobby.
Day 41 Your best feature.
Day 42 Your worst feature.
Day 43 Fave candy.
Day 44 Fave cartoon.
Day 45 A picture of you on Facebook.
Day 46 Your dream home
Day 47 Fave childhood toy.
Day 48 Fave superhero.
Day 49 Fave fast food restaurant.
Day 50 Fave social website logo. (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.)
Day 51 Your New Years (2011)
Day 52 - A picture of yourself celebrating for getting this far
Day 53 - The last thing you bought
Day 54 - A picture of yourself from middle school
Day 55 - What your wearing today
Day 56 - A drawing of your favorite cartoon character
Day 57 - Everything inside your purse/backpack/wallet
Day 58 - Your favorite animal
Day 59 - Your most used electronic device
Day 60 - Last movie you watched
Day 61 - School class picture
Day 62 - Last place you traveled to
Day 63 - Sports awards
Day 64 - Favorite childhood book
Day 65 - A picture of you and your best riend
Day 66 - A picture in your room
Day 67 - Something Green
Day 68 - A magazine you like
Day 69 - Something Red
Day 70 - Something you borrowed from someone else
Day 71 - A picture of your favorite piece of jewelry
Day 72 - A stuffed animal
Day 73 - Your lunch
Day 74 - Something you found under your bed
Day 75 - You and a friend
Day 76 - Something that annoys you
Day 77 - The last thing that you bought
Day 78 - Your sunglasses
Day 79 - A ticket from somewhere you've been
Day 80 - Your favorite childhood movie
Day 81 - Something you baked
Day 82 - The most embarrassing thing in your closet
Day 83 - The moon tonight.
Day 84 - Your favorite pair of shorts
Day 71 - A picture of your favorite piece of jewelry
Day 72 - A stuffed animal
Day 73 - Your lunch
Day 74 - Something you found under your bed
Day 75 - You and a friend
Day 76 - Something that annoys you
Day 77 - The last thing that you bought
Day 78 - Your sunglasses
Day 79 - A ticket from somewhere you've been
Day 80 - Your favorite childhood movie
Day 81 - Something you baked
Day 82 - The most embarrassing thing in your closet
Day 83 - The moon tonight.
Day 84 - Your favorite pair of shorts
Day 85 - Something Pink
Day 86 - Something your mom bought you
Day 87 - Something you hold dear to your heart
Day 88 - Your bathroom
Day 89 - What's in your fridge?
Day 90 - Your current school photo
Day 91 - Something that made you smile today
Day 92 - Something weird in your house
Day 93 - The view from your bedroom window
Day 94 - What your doing right now
Day 95 - Something yellow
Day 96 - A place you went today
Day 97 - Something heart shaped
Day 98 - Your favorite nail polish color
Day 99 - Something that makes you feel accomplished
Day 100 - The final picture of yourself
Day 86 - Something your mom bought you
Day 87 - Something you hold dear to your heart
Day 88 - Your bathroom
Day 89 - What's in your fridge?
Day 90 - Your current school photo
Day 91 - Something that made you smile today
Day 92 - Something weird in your house
Day 93 - The view from your bedroom window
Day 94 - What your doing right now
Day 95 - Something yellow
Day 96 - A place you went today
Day 97 - Something heart shaped
Day 98 - Your favorite nail polish color
Day 99 - Something that makes you feel accomplished
Day 100 - The final picture of yourself
Postat av: Anna-Lena
Jag håller med dig i mycket.
Men Keso...som är så gott :)
Postat av: Kesokompis
Håller med om ALLT!